In sociology, the human is studied in society. The social interaction between individuals and groups, societal structures and political actions constitute the interacting levels of the subject. The research is characterised by several specialisations.

  • Within the subject, there is didactic research with an interest in issues that affect society through the classroom, social interaction within the school and subject conflicts through the subject of social studies and the new sociology subject in upper secondary school.
  • Questions of citizenship, identity and student roles are related to political school issues of segregation, the market-exposed school and school choice as a class marker. Other sociological research areas concern the individual's encounter with work and education, as well as social movements. Themes such as identity and professional affiliation are related to fields such as the labour market and migration.
  • Alienation in school and the relationship between school and working life are emerging fields of research that are being developed within the subject. Interesting future research areas are the development of society from a democratic and civic perspective in terms of both schooling and guidance before working life.

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