The study of global politics is multidisciplinary, incorporating approaches from both the social sciences and the humanities, and focusing on transnational and international forms of politics, in terms of continuity as well as change, cooperation and conflict, power and resistance.

At Malmö University, the Global Politics research environment has its basis in subjects like:

  • Caucasus Studies
  • European Studies
  • Gender Studies
  • Human Rights
  • International Migration and Ethnic Relations
  • International Relations, Peace and Conflict Studies and
  • Political Science.

Our researchers are united by a pluralistic understanding of agency and political contexts, where the number of actors in the arenas of politics have multiplied, and where current institutions and practices are shaped in ways which mean that politics is often pursued beyond the state’s domestic sphere.

A central concern is the need to widen and deepen our understanding of the exercise of power at a global, as well as a regional or local, level. Related key questions involve issues about governance, democracy, and sustainable development.

Global Politics entails analyses of transnational and international networks, relations, and institutions which can be political, social, economic, and military, as well as cultural. Several of our researchers are active in the research platforms REDEM (Rethinking Democracy) and RUCARR (Russia and the Caucasus Regional Research).

Researchers, publications and projects

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Total hits: 26

Doctoral studies in Global politics

Malmö University offers doctoral studies in Global politics.

The study of Global Politics is multidisciplinary and incorporates approaches both from the social sciences and the humanities. Transnational and international forms of politics, both in terms of continuity and change, cooperation and conflict, power and contestation, constitute the core of the subject.

Contact for doctoral studies in Global politics: Maja Povrzanovic Frykman

Read about doctoral studies at Malmö University