The basic goal of odontology research is to promote oral health and function. Advances in these areas can in addition to improving oral health, also advance general health. Odontological research at Malmö University is integrated with, and conducted alongside, education and dental practice.

Thematic groupings

  • Acute and chronic pain
  • Children and youth
  • Odontological epidemiology
  • Odontological radiology

Researchers, publications and projects

Total hits: 63
Total hits: 19

Doctoral studies in Dentistry/Odontology

Malmö University has doctoral studies in Dentistry/Odontology.

The doctoral education is intended to advance knowledge and skills within the field of oral health in the following subjects:

  • cariology
  • endodontics
  • oral and maxillofacial radiology
  • odontological technology
  • oral biology
  • oral diagnostics
  • oral surgery and oral medicine
  • oral pathology
  • oral prosthetics
  • orofacial pain and jaw function
  • orthodontics
  • periodontology with oral public health or pedodontics

General syllabus for Odontology (Swedish)

Doctoral school: ComBine