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Care Science
Care science research is multidisciplinary and covers all aspects of human life. In addition, it has a focus on the organisation and practice of nursing. At Malmö University, care sciences research is conducted across six areas, all with the aim of contributing to equality in care and health.
Subject description
The subject includes theory and methods for the study of problems, processes, factors and measures related to health equity by promoting health and preventing ill health. Part of care science consists of nursing, which includes preventive, supportive, caring and rehabilitative measures in health and medical care in different environments and contexts. The subject also concerns the organisation of nursing work, the conditions, processes and results of nursing education, as well as the need for knowledge and the use of knowledge in health care.
Researchers, publications and projects within the subject
2025 | Article in journal
Measuring a family sense of coherence: a rasch-based study extending dyadic data analyses
Marie-Louise Möllerberg, Kristofer Årestedt, Peter Hagell, Jeanette Melin
2024 | Report
Nursing Group Supervision: Reflected Experience-based Knowledge
Lisbeth Lindell, Marianne Kisthinios
2024 | Article in journal
Patients’ experiences of involvement at a clinical training ward: a qualitative interview study
Sofia Hemle Jerntorp, Elisabeth Carlson, Malin Axelsson, Anna Carin Aho, Jenny Jakobsson
2024 | Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary
Från maktlöshet till empowerment: upplevelser av att vara närstående till en person med borderlinepersonlighetssyndrom/ emotionell instabilt personlighetssyndrom, bemötandet från hälso- och sjukvården, deras behov av stöd och känsla av empowerment
Susanne Ekdahl
2024 | Article in journal
Swedish Intensive Care Nurses’ Knowledge, Attitudes, and Views on Donation After Circulatory Death Before a National Implementation
Emilie Gripewall, Lisbeth Fagerström, Christine Kumlien, Janet Mattsson, Linda Nyholm, Gunilla Björling
2024 | Conference paper
Networking in Higher Education Didactics for Joint Actions in Fostering Remote learning and Hybrid Sustainability Outreach
Birgitta Nordén
2024 | Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary
Secondary prevention in patients with intermittent claudication and evaluation of e-health support
Rebecka Striberger
2024 | Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary
The stair of knowledge – prevention of pressure ulcers, malnutrition, poor oral healthand falls among older persons in nursing homes: development and evaluation of the feasibility of an educational intervention
Merita Neziraj
2024 | Article, review/survey
The Core Elements of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing: Time, Honest Engagement, Therapeutic Relations, Professional Nursing and Lifetime-Perspective
Anne-Marie Wangel, Karin Persson, Sara Duerlund, Johan Fhager, Emma Mårdhed, Lotta Sjögran, Karin Sjöström, Andreas Glantz, Karin Örmon, Charlotta Sunnqvist
2024 | Article in journal
Relative's suggestions for improvements in support from health professionals before and after a patient's death in general palliative care at home: A qualitative register study
Elina Mikaelsson Midlöv, Terese Lindberg, Lisa Skär
Research project
Human Rights Mobilisation of Welfare Professionals Against the Informers Act - Arguments, Strategies and Practices (HUMASP)
jacob.lind@mau.se -
Research project
Aspects of palliative care quality and quality improvement in municipal health care services
karin.dalhammar@mau.se -
Research project
Co-designing an intervention to prevent fall, malnutrition, poor oral health and pressure ulcers
basira.hosseini@mau.se -
Research project
Families experiencing cancer- Support to prevent cancer-related illness: FamCASP
maria.samuelsson@mau.se -
Research project
Measuring the well-being of older people for fair management and follow-up
marie-louise.mollerberg@mau.se -
Research project
Awareness and competencies in palliative care among nurse managers in municipal care settings
hongxuan.xu@mau.se -
Research project
Prerequisites for Operating Room Nurses and Nurse Anesthetists to precept specialist nursing students in a perioperative context.
sofia.hammar@mau.se -
Research project
Being young and living with Inflammatory Bowel Disease – a national perspective
vedrana.vejzovic@mau.se -
Research project
Operating theatre nurses' concerns, experiences and perceptions from participating in organ procurement
linda.ch.andersson@mau.se -
Research project
Person-centred care@Work – how does it affect work environment and work-related health among healthcare professionals?
malin.axelsson@mau.se -
Research project
KIDS in action promoting health equity in socially deprived areas (K.A.H.E.Q Study)
margareta.ramgard@mau.se -
Research project
The impact of hospitals' environmental hygiene on health care-related infection
martina.mocenic@mau.se -
Research project
Support to relatives in general palliative home care
elina.midlov-mikaelsson@mau.se -
Research project
Loneliness in relation to social factors and self-reported health among older adults
anna.axen@mau.se -
Research project
Development, evaluation and implementation of a digital education for Swedish municipal politicians with responsibility for care of the...
susann.porter@mau.se -
Research project
Equity perspectives in school-based mental health promotion
helena.gard@mau.se -
Research project | DOCTORAL PROJECT
The Complexity of Teamwork and Interprofessional Collaboration: From the Perspective of Health Care Students, Patients and Relatives
sofia.hemle-jerntorp@mau.se -
Research project
Secondary prevention and application-based life style support for patients with intermittent claudication – PRESIC
christine.kumlien@mau.se -
Research project
Patients experience before and after cardiac surgery
vedrana.vejzovic@mau.se -
Research project
Student participation in research teams – Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) in Biomedical, Criminology and Care Science research
karin.borgstrom@mau.se -
Research project
Biobarriers – Health, disorders and healing
johan.engblom@mau.se -
Research project
Support to family members of persons diagnosed with colorectal cancer
maria.samuelsson@mau.se -
Research project
PROSENIOR- Risk assessments and prevention care interventions regarding fall, pressure ulcers, malnutrition and poor oral health among...
merita.neziraj@mau.se -
Research project
Equal health - Health promotion in collaboration
margareta.ramgard@mau.se -
Research project
PHED - Precision Health and Everyday Democracy
michael.strange@mau.se -
Research project
Psychosocial aspects of Alopecia Areata
johan.fhager@mau.se -
Research project | DOCTORAL PROJECT
Factors influencing Ambulance Nurses’ Adherence to Guidelines in Patients with Acute Chest Pain
michael.ulrich.hansen@mau.se -
Research project
Evidence based teaching practice for undergraduate nursing students to facilitate critical thinking: a study undertaken within the MRC...
frida.westerdahl@mau.se -
Research project
Male victims of violence and their mental ill health during the life course.
lotta.sjogran@mau.se -
Research project
PROSENIOR: Prevention of falls, pressure ulcers, malnutrition and poor oral health in older persons in Skåne
christine.kumlien@mau.se -
Research project
Patients’ experiences before, during and after a colonoscopy procedure. Embrace the patient perspective.
Research environments
Doctoral studies in Care Science
Malmö University offers doctoral studies in Care science.
The subject field of caring science is multi-disciplinary and multi-professional. It encompasses theories and methods for studying problems, processes, factors, and interventions related to physical and mental ill-health.
One area of caring science is nursing, which encompasses the prevention, support, caring, and rehabilitation in health services and patient care in different environments and contexts.
Contact for doctoral studies in Care science: Elisabeth Carlson