The coherent academic environment Urban Business and Development (UBD) at the Department of Urban Studies aims to contribute to sustainable urban development through research and education in collaboration with actors from the public and private sector and civil society. The focus is on private and public companies, collaboration and business development. Urban development is an important part of regional development as cities are not isolated phenomena but part of a larger context.


Most people will live in a city during their lifetime. Urbanisation is a global phenomenon, and despite digitalisation, urbanisation has accelerated in recent decades. Cities have proven to be important actors in finding sustainable solutions for how we organise our societies.

To succeed, a wide range of actors must be involved, including private actors such as real estate companies. By conducting research with an economic perspective, we contribute to the development of the field of urban studies.

Changing cities create both opportunities and challenges for society. A focus area of our research is to understand the interaction between entrepreneurs and the urban context in which they operate, and how they can achieve economic, environmental and social sustainability in their operations.


The Department of Urban Studies offers bachelor's programmes in real estate management, real estate brokerage and transport management from a business perspective. These three bachelor's programmes are the result of a close dialogue and collaboration with actors from the industry.

At master's level, UBD is involved in the international master's programme Urban Business and Development: Real Estate and Transport, which focuses on economic and business perspectives in urban development.

UBD also provides education at doctoral level through the research school ASSURE (Adaptation of Urban Space through Sustainable Regeneration), which is funded by Formas and is a collaboration with RISE, LTH and Uppsala University Campus Gotland.

Working together

Because the challenges we face are complex, such as climate change and social marginalisation, there are no simple solutions. It is important to understand the roles and drivers of different actors and how, together, we can create new knowledge to understand the change processes we are part of.

Real estate and transport companies play a central role in the sustainable development of urban environments. Other important actors include municipalities, universities, non-governmental organisations and associations. It is important to include actors working in these sectors in the journey towards more sustainable urban environments.

Staff members

UBD is home to researchers and teachers in business administration, economics, economic geography, real estate science as well as sustainable real estate and area development, real estate entrepreneurship and real estate brokerage.

Malmö Real Estate Research Conference

Every year, the Unit for Real Estate Studies organises an international conference, the Malmö Real Estate Research Conference, on important issues in real estate research and education. The conference takes the form of a two-day workshop.

The conference started in 2012 with the aim to raise the quality and status of the research field of real estate, to provide an opportunity for researchers to expand their networks and create new collaborations, and to be a forum for addressing challenges at regional as well as international level.

The conference is usually held in May and welcomes researchers of real estate science, but also of related research fields.