The Doctoral school Relevancing Mathematics and Science Education, or RelMAS for short, is a collaboration between three universities, Stockholm University, Malmö University and Uppsala University, and builds on established research and collaborations. By providing an educative community for doctoral students in teaching and teacher education, it aims to strengthen research in mathematics and science education oriented towards exploring how knowledge produced in these disciplinary areas are intertwined with and relates to urgent global issues such as climate change, mobility and diversity, as well as their effects in formal or informal teaching practices.

About the doctoral school

Relevanceing Mathematics and Science Education is a doctoral school, intending to engage graduate students with practice-oriented research in teaching and teacher education focusing on analyzing and developing didactic models for relevancing mathematics and science education with global concerns in complex issues such as increased climate change, human mobility and diversity in varied domains.

RelMaS addresses the challenges of educating younger generations for navigating and transforming in a complex world, where mathematical and scientific knowledge intertwine in dealing with wicked problems now and in the future. This involves negotiating common views of the content, pedagogies and research foundations of school mathematics and science, making them significant for active citizenship and providing equitable access to the content for and with a diverse student population within diverse schooling.

Finally, it provides PhD education to experienced people who will work in teacher education and thereby increases research-qualified teacher educators in these areas in Sweden. It is managed by Stockholm University with an interinstitutional board and an international advisory board.

Stockholm University's information about ReIMAS


The RelMaS doctoral school offers five courses (40 credits in total) which are organized around main themes, such as:

  • Relevancing mathematics and science education for citizenship and social justice (7,5 credits).
  • In/exclusion in mathematics and science education (7,5 credits).
  • Critical and participatory methodologies in didactics research (10 credits).
  • Research ethics in didactics research (7,5 credits).
  • The role of research and researchers in teacher education and professional development (7,5 credits).