
I am a PhD student in educational sciences and part of the research school ROCIT (Research on Collaboration in Teacher Education). My thesis project involves a collaboration between me and several secondary school teachers who, through an action research stance, want to deepen their understanding and try to change their practice linked to work against racism and racialization in school. The aim is to explore teachers' deracialization practices and shed light on secondary school students' experiences of racism. The term practice refers to teachers' professional practice in general and includes both spontaneous and planned actions. Deracialization practices are actions that counteract the effects of racism.

My background as a school psychologist and specialist in educational psychology have, among other things, given me great experience of working with supervision of and consultation to teachers and other school staff. Themes such as crisis management, difficult conversations and investigation are also something I have expertise in.

My specialist thesis (specialistarbete) in educational psychology was a cross-sectional study focusing on primary school teachers' attitudes and experiences linked to racist practices and attitudes in primary school. The study indicated that students who are excluded from a normative Swedishness are to a greater extent exposed to racializing practices from school staff. It also revealed contradictions among teachers' attitudes. While the vast majority of teachers took a stand against racism and discrimination, a large percentage of them exhibited attitudes and explanatory models that were racializing.