
My research is based on theological ethics and philosophy of religion. Like many other researchers in these fields, I have discussed political issues. I have thus combined ethical and philosophical discourses and methods with political philosophical research. During my PhD I explored how a more inclusive public sphere could be imagined with the renewed visibility of religions. I further offered constructive suggestions for how a more inclusive public sphere could be imagined.

Since completing my doctoral work, I have developed the themes and insights that emerged from the thesis work by conducting research on issues related to, for example, the public status of religion, politics, democracy, human rights and populism. The issue of inclusion remains a cross-cutting research interest, especially as it relates to the public legitimacy of the marginalized and suffering.

As part of this work, I published the book #BlackLivesMatter: Cornel West om svart vrede, polisbrutalitet och en demokratisk kultur (Makadam förlag, 2023). The book discusses why, as the Black Lives Matter movement claims, black lives allegedly do not matter. I am currently writing a book called Dirty Politics (working title), which deals with the ongoing refugee crisis in Europe and the rhetoric of smear campaigns by right-wing populists.

I have also served as editor (together with Senior Lecturer Kamilla Skarström Hinojosa) of the anthology Jesus och politiken (Makadam förlag, 2024). In the book, different scholars discuss how global and local conflicts within political discourses can be managed. Based on the assumption that Jesus functioned as a political actor, the scholars thus contribute thought-provoking and uplifting visions of the future, as well as practices that make it possible to pursue that future. I myself contribute two chapters. In the opening chapter, "Vad skulle Jesus säga till Putin?", written with Skarström Hinojosa, we show how the ongoing war in Ukraine is justified by Christian theology. In the second chapter, "Den våldtagne Jesus", written together with Lisa Rudolfsson, Associate Professor of Psychology, we draw on research claiming that Jesus was the victim of sexual violence during the crucifixion. Based on this research, we challenge narratives that portray Jesus as a kind of hero during the crucifixion who willingly faced his suffering.

A further research interest concerns teaching controversial issues. One of the overarching themes that recurs in my research is the issue of conflict in public life. In my research, I assume that political life is about confronting conflicts between actors. The aim, however, is to find theoretical-structural frameworks and visions that enable these confrontations to avoid antagonism. I therefore feel that my research has a "diplomatic" purpose, in that I hope to be able to offer constructive contributions to how public confrontations can develop towards a peaceful direction. An important question for me, however, is how such a confrontation can take place in a way that gives priority to the interests of the marginalized and the suffering, as they are constantly at risk of being overlooked in political processes. This also relates to the teaching of controversial issues, where the management and response to conflict in education becomes a crucial issue.