
My doctoral project focuses on the consequences of school marketization in Sweden. I am particularly interested in exploring how segregation and racialization processes form and affect the pedagogical relation, teacher's views on pedagogical processes, and students' experience of the school. Through the notion of racial capitalism, I study the implications for students' formation and living conditions, as well as possibilities for resistance.

I draw on critical theory, marxism and psychoanalysis, in order to grasp the relationship between pedagogical processes, social structures, and living conditions. I work at the intersection of (critical) pedagogy, philosophy of education, political philosophy and sociology.

Jag forskar om marknadsskolan i Sverige och dess konsekvenser, i synnerhet för lärare och elever. Jag är intresserad att studera detta genom perspektivet av rasial kapitalism, för att förstå skolan i relation till rasifieringsprocesses, klass och segregation. Mitt arbete befinner sig i intersektionen av sociologi, kritiskt pedagogik, utbildningsfilosofi samt min erfarenhet som folkhögskollärare.