
I am currently employed as a senior lecturer at the Department of School Development and Leadership (SOL) and at the Centre for Teaching and Learning (CAKL) at Malmö University. I have a teaching diploma from Bern, Switzerland and a MA in Multilingualism and Plurilingual Education from University of Fribourg, Switzerland. As a doctoral student, I was supervised by Prof. Mona Holmqvist and Prof. Francis Hult. In 2020, I defended my doctoral thesis about multilingualism in Sweden and Switzerland.

In my current role, I am involved in professsional development courses for in-service teachers and academic development courses for university teachers. As a transnational academic, I can draw on my experience as an academic developer and pre- and in-service teacher educator, mainly in the area of language education, from Switzerland.

At Malmö University, I supervise students in various programmes, including the master's programme in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Since 2024, I act as a co-supervisor of Elisabet Malvebo, who investigates simulation-based teaching and learning in higher education.

In much of my research, I apply Q methodology, an approach that focuses on uncovering subjective viewpoints about any given topic. Please contact me via email if you are interested in any kind of collaboration.