Chronic facial pain can be difficult to manage, and many patients remain untreated. Now a group of researchers from different countries have agreed on international guidelines to help general dentists manage patients with jaw and facial pain.

Approximately one in ten Swedish adults suffer from long-term facial pain, and the problem is more common in women than in men.

In Sweden, we are at the forefront of implementing guidelines, and it is important that we can also help to develop this in an international context.

Birgitta Häggman-Henrikson

“We know from several studies that patients with severe facial pain are not getting the treatment they should. There is a large underdiagnosis and undertreatment,” says Birgitta Häggman-Henrikson, professor of orofacial pain and senior dental officer at Malmö University.

“One reason is that care providers feel uncertain about how to deal with these patients – this is not only a problem in Sweden, but also globally,” she adds.

Häggman-Henrikson is one of the researchers involved in developing international guidelines for the management of this patient group. The guidelines have been developed in collaboration with the International Network for Orofacial pain and Related disorders Methodology (INfORM) consortium. The guidelines, which haverecently been published in a scientific article, contain ten key points.

“These points are intended as a comprehensive guide for authorities and organisations when developing guidelines for the care of patients with pain in the facial area.

“The most important thing is to start from a patient perspective, avoiding outdated invasive procedures and instead helping patients with effective self-care tools.”

Seven researchers and doctoral students from the Faculty of Odontology are co-authors of the article. The faculty has had a major impact for the research in the field, not least for helping to develop and implement a simple screening model and diagnostic method that makes it easier to identify patients with jaw and facial pain.

The model has been implemented in general dental care in a number of Swedish regions.

“In Sweden, we are at the forefront of implementing guidelines, and it is important that we can also help to develop this in an international context. With the help of this type of decision support in healthcare, we can ensure that patients receive the treatment they need,” adds Häggman-Henrikson.