
Migration seminar: Local tourism mobilities as an exploratory perspective on migrants’ place participation

Thursday 3 October, 14:15 - 16:00
Niagara, 9th floor, Nordenskiöldsgatan 1, or zoom
Ett gäng ungdommar spelar fotboll i Folkets Park i Malmö. I förgrunden hänger olika nationsflaggor.

Welcome to the MIM Migration Seminar!

Local tourism mobilities as an exploratory perspective on migrants’ place participation. 


Sara Licata, doctoral student at Department of Service Studies, Faculty of Social Science, Lund University, Sweden


Local mobilities can offer interesting perspectives on the practice of inclusion as well as (self-)segregation dynamics, especially when inclusion is seen as practicing access to and participation in places and milieus. Besides socio-economic factors, personal routines can create fixed paths and geographies which may shape the perception of accessibility. What if these patterns can be challenged by local tourism? Tourism entails the possibility of engaging in out-of-routinary mobilities, redefining personal geographies of places and challenging personal and collective perceptions of places. In this respect, Hosting Friends and Relatives (HFR) tourism mobilities are of particular interest for their uniqueness in bridging everyday life mobilities with leisure and tourism mobilities.

This presentation is about a part of my PhD research project. It will discuss first-generation immigrants local mobilities through their narratives on their choices of places and itineraries in relation to place identity and their everyday life paths and habits. These will be analyzed from two perspectives: the temporal and spatial dynamics of activity-space segregation at a micro-ecological scale; the host positionality as local in an ongoing process of embedding though experiences. Preliminary pilot material based on the city of Malmö will be used as an empirical case.


This is a hybrid seminar, you are welcome to connect via Zoom or join us at MIM seminar room, floor 9, Niagara, Nordenskiöldsgatan 1. To attend on campus, please gather by the reception area at 14.10.

If you have any questions, send an email mim@mau.se


Will be available closer to the seminar date.

For upcoming seminars at MIM

Seminars autumn 2024