
How Collaborative are Collaborative Media?

Tuesday 10 December, 15:00 - 17:00
K3 studio (NI:C0541), Niagara, Nordenskiöldsgatan 1 and Zoom

In 2013, Jonas Löwgren and Bo Reimer wrote the book “Collaborative Media. Production, Consumption, and Design Interventions”, published by MIT Press. In the book, they discussed how with the new forms of digital media, people “formerly known as the audience” no longer only consumed but also produced and even designed media. This phenomenon they termed collaborative media. Through an interdisciplinary research approach that combined the social sciences and humanities traditions of empirical and theoretical work with practice-based, design-oriented interventions, they presented a number of case studies that ranged from small multidisciplinary research experiments to commercial projects used by millions of people.

The book was written at a time characterized by a great belief in the possibilities of collaborative media. Today, in times of centralization and monopolization of digital media, that belief has increasingly withered away. What happened? And how collaborative are collaborative media today? These are the questions this seminar will focus upon.

Jonas Löwgren is Professor of Interaction and Information Design at the Division of Media and Information Technology, Linköping University.

Bo Reimer is Professor of Media and Communication Studies, K3, Malmö University.

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