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Widened recruitment and participation
and participation
Widened recruitment and participation is an important component in Malmö University's profile. Our work on widened recruitment and participation will contribute to societal development and enhance our commitment to democratic values.
Widened recruitment
By widened recruitment, we mean work that leads to the admission of students to our programmes and courses. Student recruitment to bachelor's level (first cycle) education can involve activities aimed at elementary and secondary schools, but also efforts to inform about and support recruitment from groups that are underrepresented in higher education. Recruitment to master's level (second cycle) and doctoral (third cycle) education is partly achieved through widened participation in bachelor's programmes.
Validation of prior learning
The existence of structured and quality-assured processes for validating prior learning is an important part of the University's efforts to make higher education more inclusive and accessible. Some individuals have acquired knowledge and skills in ways other than formal education. This knowledge is utilised in a new context by being assessed and recognised – validated – at Malmö University.
Validation of prior learning may be considered both for eligibility assessment (when applying for education) and when a student applies for credit transfer within a programme.
Prospective students
If you lack formal qualifications but have other relevant experience, you can apply for validation/assessment of prior learning when you apply for a programme or a course. Your knowledge and skills can result from:
- working life
- education outside of the formal education system
- other life experiences.
Before applying for validation of prior learning, please read the information and instructions on the University's website (see link below). If you have questions, you can send an email to reellkompetens@mau.se.
Eligibility through prior learning (in Swedish)
It is quite common for students to apply for credit transfer if they have previously completed a higher education course with the same or very similar content. However, there is also a possibility for those who have acquired the knowledge in, for example, working life, or through education other than higher education, to show that they already fulfil certain learning outcomes. The knowledge (your prior learning) is equally valuable, but it requires a validation process in which it is identified and assesses, as well as quite a bit of work on your part to describe your knowledge and how you acquired it.
All information on how to apply for credit transfer (even if you claim prior learning) is available on the Student Website. If you have questions, you will also find your faculty's contact information on the website.
Registration, certificates & administration (Student Web)
Study visits
Study visits
Study visits
Part of our strategy for widening recruitment is to offer opportunities to meet us at the University. Fairs, study visits, student ambassadors and Open House events are examples of these.
Collaboration with primary and secondary schools
Inspiration 5 (I5)
Inspiration 5 (i5) is a multi-annual activity with the overall aim of generating interest in higher education studies among primary school pupils, already in grade 5.
Higher education institutions often provide information about their programmes to students in upper secondary schools, but experience shows that even earlier contact is needed. At the age of 15, many have a fairly clear picture of whether they want to continue studying or not. Pupils at the age of 11 have generally not had time to form this view, but are mature enough to absorb information about higher education studies. The idea is therefore to meet pupils in year 5 (hence the name Inspiration 5) to present the University and talk about university studies in an inspiring way. The pupils then visit the University and participate in age-appropriate workshops throughout their primary education.
Project: Lowering Thresholds To Higher Education Through SI
Lowering Thresholds to Higher Education Through SI is a three-year project coordinated by Malmö University. The project aims to build up a regional mentoring programme where experienced students from Malmö University mentor high school students in specially selected courses. The concept comes from the USA and is called SI, which stands for 'Supplemental Instruction'. The term co-learning is also used in Swedish.
The aim of the project is partly to encourage more young people to complete their upper secondary school studies and start higher education, and partly to ensure a long-term supply of competent employees in Region Skåne. The project also aims to ensure that students who come from unfamiliar environments are both able and willing to apply for a university programme. The project is financed by the Swedish ESF Council, Malmö University and Region Skåne.
The Nightingale Mentoring Network
How do we encourage children from non-academic backgrounds to seek higher education? How do we create a socially sustainable society? These are questions that the Nightingale Mentoring Network works on.
Many Malmö University students are currently involved in mentoring children aged 8 to 12 years. It is gratifying to see that several of those who have previously been mentored are now studying and entering the mentoring programme again – this time as mentors for another child.
More about the Nightingale Mentoring Network (Student Web, in Swedish)
Collaboration project with Skåne folk high schools
The cooperation project between Skåne's four higher education institutions and Skåne's folk high schools is a multi-year activity with a well-established annual cycle.
The aim is to build a permanent network between the school forms, where exchange of knowledge and concrete information enables us to best support folk high school participants in their path to higher education. The members of the collaboration group organise annual events:
- A training day for educators at folk high schools, with topical themes such as educational support or mental health. Speakers are academics or individuals working at a support organisation at one of Skåne's higher education institutions. This day takes place in the spring and is organised by the folk high schools.
- An inspirational day for folk high school students in their final year of university preparation. This day takes place in the autumn and alternates between universities. The day is organised by study and career counsellors at universities in Skåne.
Regional network for study advisors in Skåne
The aim of the network is to enhance accessibility to higher education in Skåne. In the network, study and career advisors meet to exchange experiences and knowledge and inspire each other. The network provides an opportunity to develop proposals on increasing the visibility of and knowledge about higher education.
The members of the planning group for the network organise thematic network meetings per each semester. Examples of the themes are preparation and introduction at the transition to higher education, support functions within higher education institutions, and career learning. The thematic meetings include lectures and interactive elements.
The network includes study advisors at higher education institutions, adult education, upper secondary schools and folk high schools in Skåne.
Collaboration with the City of Malmö for widening recruitment and participation
Summer Internship for Boys
Summer internships for students at upper-secondary level in the City of Malmö's health and social care are carried out under the city's internship programme 'Ung i Sommar'. As a possible option, 'Sommarpraktik för killar' (Summer Internship for Boys) has been carried out since 2014, together with Malmö University. The target group is boys aged 16 to 19.
The option was given with two main purposes. One was to offer summer internships to encourage more boys and men to apply for care professions and programmes, as men are underrepresented both in care sciences and in the care profession. The second part was a collaboration aimed at the preschool teacher profession. The aim was to meet the need for university-educated staff in preschool by increasing interest in preschool teacher training, highlighting the important role of preschool teachers and raising the status of the profession, as well as increasing the recruitment base for the profession by encouraging greater recruitment of men.
Summer Internship for Young Entrepreneurs
Malmö University's internship programme in social entrepreneurship is aimed at young people in Malmö aged 16 to 19. It was developed in collaboration with the alliance 'Malmö ungdomars väg till arbete och högre utbildning' (Muvah) and the City of Malmö, within the framework of the City of Malmö's internship programme 'Ung i sommar' (Young this summer).
Over the course of three weeks, young people are introduced to methods and tools that can help them develop their own ideas, giving them a solid foundation for shaping their own future. The internship programme focuses on the inherent power of the individual and gives young people the opportunity to highlight their own strengths and boost their self-confidence.
More about summer internships for young people in social entrepreneurship (in Swedish)
Widened participation
Widened participation means the approach and work that enables all students to reach their full potential during their studies. Widening participation permeates the day-to-day work at Malmö University through a conscious and inclusive higher education pedagogy and well thought-out inclusive learning environments. We offer competence development and support to employees, including courses in higher education pedagogy and the Teacher's Guide for Student Introduction.
In addition, there are a number of specific activities and partnerships.
Introducing student to academic studies
Malmö University makes continuous efforts to develop and follow up the introduction in accordance with the university-wide process of introducing students to academic studies. The process focuses on receiving and introducing students to higher education from admission up to and including the first semester. In addition to activities aimed directly at new students, several work processes have been developed to facilitate and support those working with students. Since 2019, there is a 50 per cent coordinator position for student introduction.
In focus group interviews with students, needs linked to three different phases have been identified: from admission to the start of the semester, the first weeks of the programme and the phase where preparation for and feedback from the first examination takes place.
The following efforts and activities are made at a university-wide level to meet the needs of the different phases:
1. From admission to the start of semester
- University-wide work processes for sending out welcome emails and updating the New Student webpage.
- University-wide introduction the week, 'Tjuvkik', before the start of the semester, as well as orientation and information days for students with educational support in case of disability.
- Introduction mentors start their assignment by answering questions via email.
2. First weeks of the semester
- The Teacher's Guide to Student Induction is available to support teachers. It covers practical, academic and social aspects and includes links to relevant policy documents, ready-made information and support materials, and links to practical examples and films. In addition, the Centre for Academic Teachership (CAKL) is a resource for teachers on designing an induction.
- Social activities arranged by the Student Union.
- The first newsletter of the semester is sent out to new students and the content is adapted to the expressed needs of the students during this phase.
- The introduction mentors continue to answer questions and organise meetings.
- In addition to introduction mentors, there are other initiatives where senior students support new students, such as the Buddy Programme for international students, SI mentors and mentors for students with educational support.
3. Befor or after exams
- The teacher's guide is available as support before and after examinations, and CAKL offers courses for competence development in higher education pedagogy, including assessment.
- The second newsletter of the semester is sent to new students, with content adapted to the expressed needs of the students during this phase.
- Early Alert Survey is started.
- Senior students continue to support new students within the framework of various initiatives such as the induction mentors, SI mentors and mentors for students with educational support.
- Student introduction coordinators bring together student support organisations to exchange experiences.
Tjuvkik and Orientation
Tjuvkik takes place the week before the start of the semester and gives students an opportunity to get a softer start to their studies, to get answers to practical questions and to familiarise themselves with the University, even before the semester starts.
The event consists of several different activities, such as a campus tour, a visit to your faculty/department, an information square with the University's various support and service activities, get-to-know-you activities, a meeting with the Malmö Student Union and a lecture on study techniques. It is also possible to view recorded films and lectures and to ask questions to senior students via Instagram.
The purpose of Tjuvkik is to make new students feel welcome and seen, to create a sense of context and security. During Tjuvkik, students get a face of staff and students already studying here. An important element is that senior students share their experiences and tips with the new students.
Tjuvkik is voluntary and does not replace the introduction on each programme.
Contact for Tjuvkik
Karolina Källoff
New students who will study in programmes with English as the language of instruction have the opportunity to participate in Orientation, organised by the International Office the week before the semester starts. Orientation consists of lectures and activities that give students an opportunity to meet each other and to familiarise themselves with Sweden, Malmö and Malmö University.
Contact for Orientation
Introduction mentors
As part of the overall process for student introduction, Malmö University is working to develop active student participation with a focus on how senior students' experiences can contribute to introducing new students. The aim is to strengthen both social and academic aspects of the introduction, ultimately increasing the sense of belonging and, therefore, also student throughput and retention.
A concrete example of this is the introduction mentorship programme where senior students provide support to new students before and at the start of the semester. This work is coordinated and run by the Student Service Centre, in collaboration with the Centre for Teaching and Learning (CAKL).
The 12-week assignment of an introduction mentor includes answering questions about the programme and what it is like to be a student at Malmö University. Most of the assignment consists of answering questions via email, but the mentor also holds shorter information sessions in groups and organises meetings with the new students.
So far, some 20 programmes at all the University's faculties have been involved in this work.
Supplemental Instruction at the University
SI – Supplemental Instructioin – is available in some of the courses at two of our faculties, the Faculty of Education and Society and the Faculty of Technology and Society. The concept originated in the United States.
SI helps students succeed in selected, often difficult, courses. During an SI session, students (SI participants) work together under the guidance of a senior student (SI leader). This helps students develop study strategies and effective techniques.
The SI leaders undergo a training and are continuously supported by a methodology tutor, SI coordinator and teachers during the course.
Tjuvkik offers new students the opportunity to ease into their studies, to get answers to practical questions and to familiarise themselves with the University before the start of the semester.
National and international collaboration for widening recruitment and participation
Include is a national network focusing on widening recruitment and participation in higher education.
The network coordinates resources and strengthens knowledge about widened recruitment and participation, throughput, diversity and equal treatment from implementation to evaluation, and promotes collaboration and exchange of experience on these issues in higher education.
Widened recruitment benefits both the University and the individual
Widened recruitment encompasses more than just providing equal access to education. It also acknowledges the valuable knowledge, energy, and enthusiasm within individuals who may not feel empowered to pursue higher education.
A cornerstone of Include's work on widening recruitment and participation is the aim to ensure that all individuals, regardless of background, are given equal opportunities to access and complete higher education.
Knowledge and competence potential
Utilising the knowledge and competence potential present amogn different groups is an important principle in the work of widening recruitment and participation. This requires a broad and inclusive perspective on the spectrum of students who can take part in and complete higher education.
More about Include (include.nu, in Swedish)
International collaboration
Malmö University also collaborates internationally on widening recruitment and participation.
DIAL4U – Digital pedagogy to develop Autonomy, mediate and certify Lifewide and Lifelong Language Learning for (European) Universities – is a European university network for inclusive language learning with digital tools. DIAL4U started as a project with eight universities.
Contact: Teresa Tomašević
International Network for Universities (INU)
Malmö University actively participates in the work of INU on intercultural learning for global engagement: Intercultural Learning for Global Engagement (ILGE).
Contact: Patricia Staaf
Kingston University London (KUL)
Malmö collaborates with Kingston University in London, for example in the form of KUL staff participating in Malmö University's master's programme in teaching and learning in higher education.
Contact: Patricia Staaf
Oslo Metropolitan University – Faculty of Education and International Studies (LUI)
The Faculty of Education and Society at Malmö University has a collaboration agreement with the Faculty of Education and International Studies (LUI) at Oslo Metropolitan University in Norway. Collaboration on the theme of inclusion takes place within the framework of this agreement.
Contact: Teresa Tomašević, Patricia Staaf
Research and reports
Research within Muvah
Muvah is a knowledge alliance between the City of Malmö and Malmö University. The aim is, among other things, to increase the entry of young people from Malmö into the labour market, to encourage more young people from underrepresented groups to choose higher education and to increase understanding of the educational choices of young people in Malmö.
Research reports
Muvah's work is based on the annual research reports produced within the framework of the alliance. The reports are based on data from Statistics Sweden that enables mapping of young people's paths through the education system and towards establishment in the labour market.
The data forms the basis for a long-term study, with an annual extension of cohorts that are followed through Malmö's education system. The study creates a foundation for operational development in both the city and the University.
Malmö universitet: Teresa Tomašević
Malmö stad: Anna Singhateh
Antology: Inclusive higher education
How do we utilise the diversity among our students, and how can we support individual students in reaching their full potential? In this book, the authors, who are active at Malmö University, mainly at the Centre for Teaching and Learning, describe inclusive practices as a way to meet the challenges and needs related to widening recruitment and participation in higher education.
Examples of themes discussed are:
- academic literacy in a new world of knowledge
- making research and the scientific process accessible
- active learning
- students' reading and writing
- flexible learning environments as a means of inclusion
- the challenges and needs of multilingual students.
Inclusive higher education is suitable as literature for courses in higher education pedagogy. It can also serve as a basis for collegial discussions related to widening recruitment, widening participation and active learning.
Stigmar, Martin (Red.). (2023). Inkluderande högre utbildning. Studentlitteratur
Developing academic literacies in higher education
The research programme Disciplinary literacy and inclusive teaching (LIT) explores the multidimensional nature of language in teaching and learning processes.
The programme consists of eight focus areas, one of which focuses on academic literacy in relation to issues of widening participation and inclusive teaching practices.
The aim of the project within this focus area is to gain a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by students from different backgrounds, in terms of academic literacy in higher education, and how university teachers can support students' language and knowledge development.
The following questions are central:
- What challenges do students from different backgrounds experience when working with texts from different genres and disciplines, and at different stages of the programme?
- What is the role of identity and identity work in students' development of academic literacy?
- What is the impact of developing the ability to communicate competently on the sense of belonging and the intellectual, social and emotional growth of students during their studies?
- To what extent can an explicit focus on academic literacy become an integral part of learning in a discipline or subject?

Early Alert
One method we use to monitor new students is the Early Alert Survey. The target group for the annual survey is first-year students at all faculties who have not had any approved study results registered in Ladok during their first semester.

Early Alert
One method we use to monitor new students is the Early Alert Survey. The target group for the annual survey is first-year students at all faculties who have not had any approved study results registered in Ladok during their first semester.
The Early Alert Survey has two main purposes. The first is to make students aware of their current study situation and offer customised individual support via letters and follow-up interviews. The second is to systematically map students' experiences, analyse them and, based on the results, work on university-wide improvements. In addition to these two main objectives, the survey also aims to highlight the positive work already being done at the University.
Early Alert 2023 (in Swedish) (pdf)
The results of Early Alert are processed by researchers at the Centre of Teaching and Learning (CAKL). The next research report is planned to be published in autumn 2024.
Centre for Teaching and Learning
The Centre for Teaching and Learning (CAKL) has a special assignment to develop the University's work on widening recruitment and participation, in collaboration with other activities. The aim is to create conditions for inclusive and active lifelong learning.
CAKL offers activities aimed at both university teachers and students. For teachers and other teaching staff, courses in higher education pedagogy are available via antagning.se. For students, CAKL offers courses that focus on developing skills before and during their studies.
For students

There are many different types of support and services available for students – from academic guidance, courses and career counselling to library resources and student health services. We are here to promote your success and wellbeing at every stage of your educational journey.