Internet of Things and People (IoTaP) is a research centre that studies how people can get the most out of the Internet of Things. The work involves computer scientists, interaction designers, professionals and users. Through applied research, IoTaP addresses a range of current challenges in society within areas such as energy, transportation, health, learning and home automation.

Our research

The evolution of IoT has largely been driven by developments in technology. Computing power and connectivity are becoming smaller, cheaper and more energy efficient, making it possible to connect and augment an increasing range of objects. How people can make meaningful use of these new technical possibilities is, however, still an open question. In order to develop successful products and services, the perspective of the users must be integrated in the studies on the Internet of Things.

IoTaP's mission is to:

  • address important societal challenges through IoT research
  • produce new knowledge that when applied will provide value for IoT users
  • contribute to innovation through co-production with industrial and societal organisations
  • publish research results regularly in well-reputed scientific journals and present the results at leading scientific conferences
  • inform organisations and a broad audience about research results through seminars, popular science articles, and media appearances
  • provide an attractive working environment

Research projects

A list of completed projects can be found on our project archive page.

Research projects

Research Publications

A broader list of publications can also be found on IoTaP's Google Scholar page.

The IoTaP lab

The IoTaP lab is a creative environment for research and development of IoT-based infrastructure and user interfaces. The lab is open to researchers and students working in IoTaP-related projects, and to existing and future IoTaP partners, both commercial and academic.

Location: Room C0526, Niagara, Nordenskiöldsgatan 1

Contact: Lab coordinator Johan Holmberg

Who is it for?

The lab is open to our researchers, students working in IOTAP-related projects, and to IOTAP partners, both  commercial and academic.

Do you want to spend time in the lab?

We provide access to the lab depending on relevance to the IOTAP research center and on currently available space.

What can the lab be used for?

The lab can be used for rapid development of interactive and embedded IoT systems. The lab provides a suitable environment for demonstrating new concepts and prototypes.

What kind of equipment is there?

The lab offers a variety of equipment for IoT prototyping and rapid development including cloud deployment with support for virtual and augmented reality (VR and AR). We also offer a physical space for your project to happen in.

We have a strong focus on the Arduino platform with a large selection of diverse shields to extend the projects’ connectivity. Additionally, we work with Raspberry Pi and other microcontroller boards. We offer a wide variety of sensors and actuators for both platforms that include off-the-shelf products like Philips Hue kits and commercial products from our partners.

We also offer 3D printing capabilities. For exploring interaction and visualization, we work with different gesture, haptic, voice, VR, and AR platforms to extend data beyond the 2D screen.

We offer a dedicated network for all things IoT, wireless as well as wired. We also offer several ways of connecting your projects through e.g. Zigbee, WiFi, GPRS, as well as more passive technologies such as Bluetooth beacons and NFC/RFID.

See full inventory

What kind of help can I get?

The lab offers help with most aspects of prototype development. We can get you started with designing your IoT artefact and we are happy to help in choosing and getting up to speed with a relevant development platform, e.g. Arduino, Raspberry Pi, or Hololens.

Our network of competencies includes people experienced in:

  • Interaction design and technology
  • Sensor network architecture
  • Data gathering and analysis
  • Connectivity
  • Rapid prototyping and digital fabrication

Smart Campus

A smart campus links connected devices, infrastructure, applications, and people to make a university campus as a platform for innovation with opportunities for enabling new experience, services and improving operational efficiency. This interaction will make a university campus smarter when IoT and artificial intelligence (AI) come together for deriving the knowledge from IoT data. This results in elevating user experiences to an unprecedented new level. For example, the students, researchers, staff, and visitors can benefit from location-aware and context-aware services for using campus equipment and collaboration services.

Read more about Smart Campus

Strategic Recognition: Our Impactful Research on IVA's 100 List

Our research is included in IVA´s 100 List 2024 research projects focusing on climate change, energy supply, welfare technology, cyber security, and Crisis preparedness. It is deemed to have great potential to benefit through commercialization, business, and method development, as well as societal impact.

Read more about the list on IVA's web



Course syllabus - in Swedish

Course syllabus: Internet of Things and People, 5 credits

Course start



Bahtijar Vogel



Course syllabus - in Swedish

Course syllabus: Internet of Things and People, 10 credits

Course start



Bahtijar Vogel


The aim of the course is to give the students insight into the role of digitalization in the development of a more sustainable society and understanding of the relevant sustainability aspects of digitalization. In addition, the students will learn about the potential risks of digitization from a sustainability perspective and how they can be managed

Course code



Syllabus: Sustainable digitalization

Course start

6 November 2023

Contact persons

Course responsible-  Paul Davidsson
Course administrator - Susanne Lundborg

Student collaboration

Computer science and interaction design students often collaborate with IOTAP researchers and partners when doing their bachelor's or master's thesis projects. This kind of collaboration is a good way in for companies that want to establish a connection with IOTAP. If you are interested in collaboration, see contact details at the bottom of this page.

See a selection of previous thesis projects

Organisation and Partners

  • Johan Eker, Ericsson, Lund University (Chair)
  • Anna Gillquist, Region Skåne
  • Martin Höst, Malmö University (Faculty of Technology and Society)
  • Anders Kottorp, Malmö University (Faculty of Health and Society)
  • Niklas Malmros, Sigma Technology
  • Annika Olsson, Malmö University (School of Arts and Communications)
  • Andrej Petef, Sony Mobile
  • Maria Stellinger Ernblad, City of Malmö

Current and past partners which have collaborated with IOTAP on various projects:


NMSA – Network for Mobile Services and Applications
Internet of Things Sweden
K2 National Knowledge Centre for Public Transport
ITS Postgraduate School


All Binary
Apptus Technologies
Arvax Consulting
Aura Light
Axelerate Motorsport
Axis Communications
Bergendahl Food
Biosync Technology
Blackberry Sweden
Boris Design
Bröderna Hanssons
Cybercom Sweden
Data Ductus
DSV Road
E.On Sweden
Fraktkedjan Väst
Fujitsu Sweden
GS1 Sweden
Health Guide IRL
HiQ Skåne
IBM Svenska
Media Evolution
Odd Hill
Perch Dynamic Solutions
PosTrack Europe
Scandinavian CleanTech Group
Scania CV
Schneider Electric
Sigma Connectivity
Sigma Technology
Sony Mobile Communications
Svenska Retursystem
System Verification
TeliaSonera Sverige
Tetra Pak
u-blox (connectBlue)
Verisure Innovation
Volvo Technology
Wireless Maingate
Yanzi Networks
Ziggy Creative Colony
ÅF Technology
ÖGS Bolaget


Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design
IVL – Swedish Environmental Research Institute
SICS – Swedish ICT
SIK – the Swedish Institute for Food and Biotechnology
SP – Technical Research Institute of Sweden
Viktoria – Swedish ICT

Non-profit organizations 

European Network of Living Labs
Friskis & Svettis
Stockholm Consumer Cooperative Society
Mobile Heights
NTM – Network for Transport Measures
Stockholm Innovation & Growth

Public sector 

Citilab – Cornella
Municipality of Karlshamn
NetPort Science Park
City of Lund
City of Malmö
Region Skåne


Blekinge Institute of Technology
Technical University of Denmark
Royal Institute of Technology
Lund University
National College of Art and Design (Dublin)
Scuola Superiore Sant`Anna
Stellenbosch University
Stockholm University
University of Bremen
University of Craiova
University of London, Institute of Education
Uppsala University