The department provides courses in Engineering, Mathematics and Natural Sciences at first-cycle and second-cycle level and also a preparatory study programme: Natural sciences/technical foundation year programme. Research is conducted in Civil Engineering, Mathematics, Materials Engineering and Physical Sciences.



Research is conducted in Civil Engineering, Mathematics, Materials Engineering and Physical Sciences. Research and education are carried out in close and continuous collaboration with actors from both the private and public sectors. Research is done in close collaboration with international partners. 

Researchers, publications and projects

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Are you interested in our activities? The department is part of the Faculty of Technology and Society. Please contact us if you have suggestions for collaborations with our researchers or students.

Platforms, networks and projects

Project: sWASH & grow (From dread to bread in humanitarian crisis)

The purpose of the project is to improve the conditions for innovators (sellers) to be able to meet relief organizations’ (buyers’) demands, enabling sustainable and circular innovations to reach vulnerable populations (users) in humanitarian crises and off-grid environments. Here are considerable weaknesses in the innovation system of today. The project will - through testbeds in the field in cooperation with buyers and users - test innovative sustainable solutions and from this develop tools for development, scaling and export.


Contact person and responsible at Malmö University:

Christina Bjerkén

Project members at Malmö University:

Niklas Schmidt and Håkan Wernersson




9 678 623 SEK

Project coordinator:

RISE (Research Institute of Sweden AB)

Project partners: 

RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB, Advanced Aerobic Technology Sweden AB, Carex of Sweden AB, Malmö University, MTS - Millennium Technology of Sweden AB, Parlametric AB, Pure Bio Synergy Sweden, SiSP - Swedish Incubators & Science, Parks, SEI - Stockholm Environment Institute SEI, Teknikföretagens Branschgrupper i Sverige AB, Umeå University, Winning Innovation i Lund AB; AguaTuya (Bolivia), Mruna SARL (Agent för Carex i Libanon), LARI, Libanon Agricultural Institut, WESops (pty) Ltd, Water Research Commission of South Africa, AsaDuru SA Pty Ltd, Fifty Eight in the Cradle (pty) Ltd, SI, Solidarite International (Lebanon), Gobierno Autonomo Municipal de Cliza.

Time frame: 

September 1, 2020 - August 31, 2022

Project description

Purpose and goal

The purpose of the project is to improve the conditions for innovators (sellers) to be able to meet relief organizations’ (buyers’) demands, enabling sustainable and circular innovations to reach vulnerable populations (users) in humanitarian crises and off-grid environments. Here are considerable weaknesses in the innovation system of today. The project will - through testbeds in the field in cooperation with buyers and users - test innovative sustainable solutions and from this develop tools for development, scaling and export.

Expected results and effects

The results of the project have effects on a number of Global Sustainability Goals by giving innovators and buyers better decision support tools for developing and implementing innovative sustainable, circular and inclusive solutions for those in need in crisis or off-grid. The project´s results include an AI tool for decision support, a university course module, mapping of success factors for off-grid solutions, methods and platforms for validation, upscaling and export, as well as the further development of five Swedish innovative water and sanitation solutions.

Planned approach and implementation

The project is implemented in collaboration with experts and customers from the public, private, academic and NGO sectors. The project is divided into six work packages which include investigating and mapping success factors for off-grid solutions, developing tools for testing, validation and market introduction, developing five Swedish innovative water and sanitation solutions and developing methods and platforms for upscaling. and exports. All results are based on case studies in test and demo beds in Sweden, Bolivia, Lebanon, South Africa and Rwanda. 

More about sWash on Vinnovas project website



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