The Cariogram generates an interactive graphical picture illustrating the patient's risk for developing new dental caries lesions.

The tool demonstrates how different factors affect a patient's caries risk graphically. It gives an overview of the risk scenario and provides a caries risk profile based on available information. This educational program was developed to promote a better understanding of the multifactorial nature of caries disease and can be used for caries risk assessment and patient communication as well as educational purposes. It illustrates the caries risk and possible interactions between caries-related factors. The purpose is to stimulate preventive measures before new cavities occur. However, the program can not replace professional judgment of individual caries risk. The Cariogram has been evaluated scientifically, follow the link to PubMed for in-depth discussions.


1. Download and read the manual

Please study the manual carefully before using the program.

Download the manual (in English)

2. Link to the program

The latest version of the Cariogram is web-based and thus works on most platforms - Windows, MacOS, Chromebook OS, Android, and iOS. Anyone can use the Cariogram software for free for educational purposes or other non-commercial activities.

  • Please note that all the data will be erased when you close the Cariogram. To save the results from your analysis as a PDF, use the Print function in the top menu.
  • For proper function of the Print PDF feature, pop-ups must be allowed for the Cariogram page in your browser.
  • Please note that incorporation of the Cariogram into various commercial products or programs is not allowed. For example, you are not allowed to use the program as part of a public web page, you are not allowed to bundle it with other applications for which some kind of fee is asked etc.

Legacy versions of the software (for Windows)

These older versions of the software are provided as a courtesy to long-time users. Please note however that the legacy versions (as well as the previously available various language versions) are not supported by Malmö University any more.

Exe-files for Windows

Info about the Cariogram

  • Original Windows version by Douglas Bratthall, Lars Allander and K-O Lybegård.
  • Java version developed and maintained by Johan Börjesson, Stefan Gustavsson, and Lisa Berglund. Version 3.0j by Stefan Gustavsson.
  • Web-based version was developed by Mohamed Alsaghir, Imaz Naseem, Edin Jahic, Casper Johannesson, and Fredrik Labani.
  • Cariogram manual was developed by Douglas Bratthall, Gunnel Hänsel-Petersson, and Jayanthi Stjernswärd.

The Cariogram is sponsored by the Swedish Association for Cariology (SFFC).


This is the original version of the Cariogram from the Faculty of Odontology at Malmö University.

Be advised that unlicensed iOS and Android versions of the Cariogram are available elsewhere. Malmö University is not affiliated with these versions of the software and cannot guarantee the accuracy of those products or provide support.

Please also note that it is not allowed to sell copies of the Cariogram software or the Cariogram manual.

The authors and organisations behind the software assume no responsibility for any damage or consequential damage caused by the use of the program or the information provided by it.