The Department of Culture, Languages and Media focuses on how children and young people use language, literature and other media as tools.

Education at Culture, Languages and Media

Education at the Department of Culture, Languages and Media is designed to advance knowledge of various forms of communication such as speech, reading, writing, listening and representing in images, drama and music.

Education aimed at primary, secondary and upper-secondary schools

The department offers courses aimed at primary, secondary and upper-secondary schools in the following subjects:

  • Swedish
  • English
  • Art
  • Swedish as a second language

Prerequisite courses

  • Music
  • Drama pedagogy
  • Arabic

Research at Culture, Languages and Media

The Department of Culture, Languages and Media provides an active, multidisciplinary research environment with an emphasis on languages, aesthetic forms of expression, language­developing teaching, academic literacy, assessment and media.

Research fields

Our research is conducted in two main fields: the first deals with teachers' and prospective teachers' own learning, with elements of subject-specific didactics and subject-specific conceptual issues; while the second deals with meaning-making among children, young people and adults and learning based on an expanded text concept. The research touches on issues of language and literature pedagogy, text didactics, reception theory and cultural and media pedagogy.

Swedish with a didactic focus

Research in the field of Swedish and Didactics follows two main tracks – language and literature. The research touches on linguistics, culture and media, sociology and pedagogy. We also offer third-cycle studies in Swedish and Didactics. 


English covers the language, literature/culture and language teaching. The language element covers linguistics, semantics and studies of written language. Research into literature and culture deals partly with children’s literature linked to culture.

Aesthetic Knowledge

Research in Aesthetic Knowledge (art, drama and music) is currently in a phase of orientation dominated by higher education pedagogy and teacher-researcher studies.

Swedish as a second language and multilingualism

Research on Swedish as a second language and multilingualism focuses on both language and literature. The research concerns texts, literacy, language and content integrated teaching, classroom interaction and multilingual learning, in the school subject Swedish as a second language and other school subjects, as well as research on the language system and assessment in Swedish as a second language.

Researchers, publications and research projects

Total hits: 35
Total hits: 16

Research networks

The Literature Education Network (LitEd)

The Literature Education Network (LitEd) gathers researchers and teachers inside and outside of Sweden. Its purpose is to make visible and to strengthen literature education research and practice in school, higher education, and the society at large.

More about LitEd on the networks webpage

Doctoral studies

We offer doctoral studies in Language and Literature didactics.

Read more about Language and Literature didactics

Total hits: 57